星期三, 8月 03, 2011

New Facebook Analytics Tool Digs Deeper Than Insights ,可用來分析經營 FB 粉絲專頁人氣及其他功能

想想看 哪些人經營 FB 粉絲專頁最著力 ,此工具正好專門用來 分析這些人的人氣 囉~~~ ^^

New Facebook Analytics Tool Digs Deeper Than Insights

The Google Analytics of Facebook is called “Insights” and for someone who is dealing with the typical Facebook Fan Page(FB 粉絲專頁) , it’s a sufficient meat-and-potatoes analysis tool.

More data theoretically gives page managers a leg up in Facebook’s somewhat frustrating version of the SEO game.

“Essentially it helps find more eyeballs for your content,” Widman says.

Reported with the Photos by: http://goo.gl/OT7PR - Mashable.com


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