Google+ 技術(工程)副總今日宣布了 24 項最新功能!該公司稍後並追加一項功能共計 25 項新功能!(其逗趣的將第 25 項請使用者及網友們猜一猜,並提供額外的紅利積分喔?)
率鴿我解密後的答案如下: ^^
The #25 feature may be "bigger post photos in the iOS app."!
此次 Google+ 最新出爐的 25 項新功能,主要可應用於行動平台,包含主流的作業系統。
Users 可於下列網址取得,目前其官方定為免費使用,有需求或興趣的網友們自由選用吧:
For Google+, the mobile apps are rolling out later today to both Google Play (v3.3) and the App Store (v4.0), it's free currently:
Android 4.2, Google Play(v3.3)
iOS 5.0, App Store(v4.0)
ღ幸福哈啦專門店ღ - 科技新知廳 - Google+
1. Posted by +Vic Gundotra on 2012/12/15Users 可於下列網址取得,目前其官方定為免費使用,有需求或興趣的網友們自由選用吧:
For Google+, the mobile apps are rolling out later today to both Google Play (v3.3) and the App Store (v4.0), it's free currently:
Android 4.2, Google Play(v3.3)
iOS 5.0, App Store(v4.0)
ღ幸福哈啦專門店ღ - 科技新知廳 - Google+
Here is the exact list of the 24 features we launched. Bonus points if you can find #25 which isn't listed :-)
2. Posted by +Matt Waddell on 2012/12/15
Here's the rundown of today's 24 new features! #seasonforshipping #googleplusupdate