TIME 時代雜誌票選 2012 最讚的 25 大發明
(Best Inventions of the Year 2012 by TIME)
室內人造雲 (Indoor Clouds)
速成文明工具開發包 (The Civilization Starter Kit)
智慧型螺絲起子 (The Motion-Activated Screwdriver)
超級潤滑劑 (LiquiGlide)
愛滋病家用檢測器 (OraQuick Home HIV Test)
太陽能蒸餾機 (Eliodomestico Solar Water Distiller)
iPhone寵物狗 (Techpet)
Nike飛織跑步鞋 (Nike Flyknit Racer)
可自動充氣輪胎 (Self-inflating tires)
球型救災偵測相機 (Bounce Imaging)
女性專用防彈衣 (Body Armor for Women)
Sony RX100 數位相機 (Sony RX100 Digital Camera)
競賽滑翔衣 (Wingsuit Racing)
Google 眼鏡 (Google Glass)
智慧型3D印表機 (The MakerBot Replicator 2)
輕量級工業機器人 (Baxter)
可攜式迷你無人飛機 (The Switchblade Drone)
Tesla S型電動轎車 (The Tesla Model S)
深海浮動魚場 (A Drifting Fish Farm)
NASA最新型 Z-1太空衣 (NASA’s Z-1 Space Suit)
第113號元素 (Element 113)
深海挑戰者潛水艇 (The Deepsea Challenger Submarine)
具節能減碳的 Bahar 塔 (Bahar Towers)
好奇號火星探測車 (The Curiosity Rover)
(Best Inventions of the Year 2012 by TIME)
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